We all need a tribe….For over 20 years I have created relationships with many caregivers – both locally and nationally – to build a solid network of caring, enthusiastic and knowledgeable providers in the pelvic health field. I have developed a comprehensive approach to treating a variety of abdominal, pelvic and gender-specific conditions.
This is some really weird, um, stuff….I know it may seem like a really strange thing at first – “really, PT for THAT?” But it actually makes a lot of sense! It’s the connecting point – the center of the body – and PT for this region really can be fun! Who says PT has to hurt or be boring? Let me show you how strong, secure and yes, normal you can feel again!
We are all so different…Would you deadlift 300 pounds if you just had surgery? Would you run a marathon if you have had knee pain for a year? NO! Every person has a different history with whatever ‘pelvic’ issue they are experiencing. Pelvic PT should combine truly individualized, patient-specific goals that includes all types of PT training – orthopedic, neurologic, visceral and musculoskeletal elements. My treatment approach is eclectic. I use multiple forms of therapy, not just one particular discipline. I think it is important for a therapist to be able to draw from a variety of resources since not all people respond to the same program. Beware of anyone who tells you differently!
My path so far….How on Earth did you get into this? I hear that question at least once a week. C’mon…the abdominal and pelvic region is fascinating!! Right? My passion for treating pelvic stuff started in the early in my PT career and quickly became a focus. I started by treating OB and incontinence issues in the late 90’s, then progressed into treating those with more complex pelvic and abdominal pain issues for all genders. Within 2 years of starting this journey, I’d secured pelvic rehab as my primary area of interest, started my own practice and devoted myself to making things better – at first for women and now for all genders! Over 20 years later, I am excited to continue learning, teaching and spreading the word of pelvic health PT (soon spreading into online offerings)!
Been there, done that….I went through my own pregnancies, miscarriage and deliveries. I progressed into and through an early peri-menopause. I have been maneuvering through menopause (some days better than others!). I have had pain, peed during running, learned how to live well and exercise (despite prolapse), managed constipation, and discovered the importance of nutrition. I’ve shared with and taught my family and friends how to do the same. I’ve seen thousands of clients through the same processes. Through all of that, I have become even more dedicated to this form of therapy that is so very under-represented!
My vow to you….I learn from my highly-motivated and educated patients daily, from dedicated researchers, clinicians and body-workers every chance I get, and from a variety of research/evidence-based sources, books, articles, blogs and websites as often as possible. In exchange, I offer the most caring, effective, educated and intuitive treatment of which I am able for relief of whatever brings you through my door
1145 Zonolite Road, Suite 13, Atlanta, GA, 30316
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