Address: 1719 E. 19th Avenue, Denver, Colorado 80218
Number of live births: 1375
Survey submitted: 06/25/2019
Teaching hospital status: Teaching
Area: Urban
Number of high risk deliveries:
Quality of high risk deliveries:
Fully Meets Standard
Maternity care process:
Fully Meets Standard
Screening newborns for jaundice before discharge:
Better than Target
Preventing blood clots in women undergoing cesarean section:
Better than Target
My doctor was great, and this hospital was also great for delivering multiples. I had a whole support team who kept me relaxed and let me hold baby A while I rested for a moment before delivery if baby B. Babies were kept in the room with me and care was supportive and reassuring. Medication and delivery choices were questions I got to answer rather than decisions made for me.
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