Address: 1140 Route 72 W., Manahawkin, New Jersey 08050
Number of live births: 349
Survey submitted: 06/28/2019
Area: Urban
Number of high risk deliveries:
Quality of high risk deliveries:
Does Not Apply
Maternity care process:
Fully Meets Standard
Screening newborns for jaundice before discharge:
Better than Target
Preventing blood clots in women undergoing cesarean section:
Better than Target
My sister recently delivered her first child at SOCH and I was appalled at the care she received. I am a nurse and a mother of a 18 month old and was horrified that no one supported her with breast feeding. I received a call from my sister at 2:30am asking me how to start breastfeeding her newborn because no one had aided her. No one checked the baby’s latch and when her daughter was losing weight rapidly they instead told her she had to supplement with formula instead of supporting her breastfeeding. She then specifically told the nurse she didn’t want to cause nipple confusion and asked for a syringe to supplement. When her daughter was taken for her hearing test she was given a bottle in the nursery instead of being returned to my sister to allow her to breastfeed. When we requested lactation support for her she was told there was no lactation consultant because of COVID. It wasn’t until my sister was discharged and I was able to sit and support her breastfeeding that the baby started to feed correctly, formula was immediately discontinued and her newborn begun to gain weight. I would NEVER allow someone I care about to ever deliver in this hospital again. This doesn’t even include the experience my sister had during her delivery when the OB sat between her legs and read a book on her phone between her contractions or the night nurse who out a tourniquet on her forearm and then tried to draw blood from her antecubital fossa.
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