The Basics

What is Peginterferon Alfa?

Used alone or in combination to treat chronic hepatitis B and chronic hepatitis C.

Brand names for Peginterferon Alfa


How Peginterferon Alfa is classified

Antiviral Agents, Biological Response Modifiers, Antineoplastic Agents

Peginterferon Alfa During Pregnancy

Peginterferon Alfa pregnancy category

Category CNote that the FDA has deprecated the use of pregnancy categories, so for some medications, this information isn’t available. We still think it’s useful to list historical info, however, given what a common proxy this has been in the past.

What we know about taking Peginterferon Alfa while pregnant


Taking Peginterferon Alfa While Breastfeeding

What are recommendations for lactation if you're taking Peginterferon Alfa?

Although no information is available on peginterferon alfa in breastmilk, the levels of conventional interferon alfa in breastmilk are minuscule. In addition, because interferon is poorly absorbed orally, it is not likely to reach the bloodstream of the infant. It is unlikely that peginterferon alfa use by a nursing mother presents any serious risk to the breastfed infant. Holder pasteurization (62.5 degrees C for 30 minutes) decreases the concentration of the related endogenous interferon-gamma by an average about 10%.[1] For use in treating maternal hepatitis B, no difference exist in infection rates between breast-fed and formula-fed infants born to hepatitis B-infected women, as long as the infant receives hepatitis B immune globulin and hepatitis B vaccine at birth. Mothers with hepatitis B are encouraged to breastfeed their infants after their infants receive these preventative measures.[2][3]

Maternal / infant drug levels

Although no information is available on peginterferon alfa in breastmilk, the levels of conventional interferon alfa in breastmilk are minuscule. In addition, because interferon is poorly absorbed orally, it is not likely to reach the bloodstream of the infant. It is unlikely that peginterferon alfa use by a nursing mother presents any serious risk to the breastfed infant. Holder pasteurization (62.5 degrees C for 30 minutes) decreases the concentration of the related endogenous interferon-gamma by an average about 10%.[1] For use in treating maternal hepatitis B, no difference exist in infection rates between breast-fed and formula-fed infants born to hepatitis B-infected women, as long as the infant receives hepatitis B immune globulin and hepatitis B vaccine at birth. Mothers with hepatitis B are encouraged to breastfeed their infants after their infants receive these preventative measures.[2][3]

Possible effects of Peginterferon Alfa on milk supply

Relevant published information was not found as of the revision date.

Possible alternatives to Peginterferon Alfa

(Hepatitis B) Lamivudine, Tenofovir; (Hepatitis C) Interferon Alfa, Interferon Alfacon-1.

List of References

Lactation sources: Drugs and Lactation Database (LactMed) [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); 2006-. Available from: Ewaschuk JB, Unger S, O’Connor DL et al. Effect of pasteurization on selected immune components of donated human breast milk. J Perinatol. 2011;31:593-8. PMID: 21330996
2. Visvanathan K, Dusheiko G, Giles M et al. Managing HBV in pregnancy. Prevention, prophylaxis, treatment and follow-up: Position paper produced by Australian, UK and New Zealand key opinion leaders. Gut. 2016;65:340-50. PMID: 26475631
3. Dionne-Odom J, Tita AT, Silverman NS. #38: Hepatitis B in pregnancy screening, treatment, and prevention of vertical transmission. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2016;214:6-14. PMID: 26454123
4. Haggstrom J, Adriansson M, Hybbinette T et al. Two cases of CML treated with alpha-interferon during second and third trimester of pregnancy with analysis of the drug in the new-born immediately postpartum. Eur J Haematol. 1996;57:101-2. Letter. PMID: 8698119
5. Kumar AR, Hale TW, Mock RE. Transfer of interferon alfa into human breast milk. J Hum Lact. 2000;16:226-8. PMID: 11153157
6. Williams JM, Schlesinger PE, Gray AG. Successful treatment of essential thrombocythaemia and recurrent abortion with alpha interferon. Br J Haematol. 1994;88:647-8. PMID: 7819084

Disclaimer: This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Consult your healthcare provider with any questions.

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