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The Motherlode is a directory of maternal wellness providers. Find critical info about hospitals and birth centers; search for a lactation consultant, women’s health physical therapist, or birth doula; write a review to help other moms and moms-to-be; and suggest someone to strengthen our community.


Maternal wellness has relied on word-of-mouth for forever. But imagine if we could scale the support we give our friends and family to our broader sisterhood? That's our goal with The Motherlode

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The material contained on this site is provided for informational purposes only. Nothing contained on this site and its related links may be construed as medical or healthcare advice. This site is not designed to promote or endorse any medical or healthcare practice, program or agenda. Motherfigure does not screen providers and therefore cannot make any guarantees as to quality of care or validity of the information contained herein, which is self-reported by providers or users. Motherfigure is not an exhaustive list and may not contain providers or resources for every health issue. We cannot guarantee the availability of a provider listed on this site.

Excerpts from the mag

Childbirth, First Person

Birth stories: The myth of “one size fits all” birth plan

My own three birth experiences varied—and though I had a plan each time, I quickly came to realize that there isn’t necessarily a “right way” to give birth.

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First Person, Postpartum

Dealing with my postpartum anxiety

It’s lesser known than postpartum depression, but when I was diagnosed with postpartum anxiety it became a very real and very relevant postpartum complication.

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First Person, Pregnancy

How I dealt with Gravidarum Hyperemesis during pregnancy

Morning sickness can last last an entire pregnancy—and it’s not fun.

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